Friday, January 14, 2005

Fate Whose Slave I Never Was

Fate, whose slave I never was*
And henceforth—shall never be
I shall chart my own course, does

An eagle obey another bird’s command
As he flies majestically along his
Own current, or a crab in the golden sand

Bow to other crustaceans as he comes
Onto the shore, or a ram on the crags of
Mountain heights, searching for some

Scraggly piece of grass, or the polar bear
Numbed in frozen Artic waters fighting for
His fish, like them, I am free to choose, to dare

Destiny’s path in my life, and never regret
What I have chosen, and wonder what lies
Ahead, ceaselessly, defying, denying kismet

* MERANI by Nicoloz Baratashvili

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